Now Introducing
Claire Katherine Wiltscheck
The Birth Story:
2 weeks leading up to the due date I was really starting to get excited. I was trying my best to keep myself in check...but I was pretty optimistic that she would be here at any moment. Actually - in the end I was 3 days late. At least I no longer have to hear: "YOU ARE STILL HERE?!?!?!" as I walk down the hall at work.
Friday night: Up until this point - I stayed away from making plans with anyone (being optimistic that the baby would cancel them anyway.) but at this point I needed a distraction. I also needed to kick my nesting into gear. So late Thursday we decided to invite the kickball team over for a game night. My hope was that I would plan a party, baby would come and I would have to cancel. Haha! (I didn't mean to use you - my dear friends! haha) It didn't actually work that way anyway - and that's OK, because I ended up with a fun night and a clean house!
Best part of the night: I kept a small container of water in my pocket. Then during Pictunary I dumped it in my lap and waited for the room to get quiet before I announced that my water had just broken. Hahaaaaa!!!! Ohhhhh - I will never forget that. Girls screaming in joy all starting to jump off of their seats and head up the stairs. I am so funny! hahahaa!
Anyway - the weekend came and went. Missing the Due Date on Saturday. Monday morning I was instructed to call my Dr. She set up an induction for Tuesday morning.
So we took the opportunity to start my leave and spend the day at the Zoo - just the three of us. We had a great day! That night Lily started her time with my mom. Thanks Mom! Love you!
Tuesday morning - we started the party. We were greeted by an awesome nurse and Doogie Houser. A while back - I said yes to being fine with a resident at my delivery - looks like i got him! hahah! (he did do a good job after all - with the Dr.'s right there. But I still had a hard time looking him in the eye. We were afraid to ask him if this was his first delivery - I think it may have been)
Pitocin started at 8:30. Contractions. Broke my water. Epidural. (Whew!) Pushing..
Baby Claire joined the world at 1:49 p.m. 7 pounds 9 ounces. 19.5 inches long.
We are doing great! Personally - my recovery this time was soooo much better than the first. The labor was 1/2 as long. It has all been pretty great!
Lily is a champ - adjusting very well. She loves her baby sister!
Mickey is also a champ! He is a wonderful father and a great partner!
Although - both Mickey and Lily have been sick since we have been home. Within 5 minutes of walking in the door Lily had puked all over our bed. I couldn't help but think about how much fun and crazy the rest of my life will be! hahahaa!
Claire is awesome! Perfect! Adorable! I love watching all of her little expressions. I am so in love!
Thanks to our family and friends for you help, support and nice messages. You all mean a lot to us!
And now - for some pictures....