Saturday, November 15, 2008

She is a mover

She is always on the go. She can't crawl forward yet, but she can scoot back and roll to where she wants to be. Lily is so much fun! We just love her!

Finally I was able to get a shot of her two beautiful teeth:)

Thank you so much Mom & Dad for the fun night out. My mom declared it "Celebrate Mickey Day" today. She came over, picked up Lily (gave her some new Wild gear) and surprised us with a date night to watch the Wild game. It was such a great day. We even got some good raking time in:) Thanks! You are the best!


Anonymous said...

You have to find out where your mom got the wild outfit - I love it! You got to see a great game - wish I had been there!!

Kristie said...

GO LILY!!! She will only get more fun--just wait!