Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Snow Fun!

On Sunday, since it warmed up (for MN anyway) we decided to take Lily out for play time in the snow. Mickey and I had a good time pulling her around with a hockey stick in her baby bath tub. Lily was not as impressed with our outdoor fun. We did get her to laugh a little when we would slap shot the snow and make it fly into the air. Oh well - maybe next time she will like it:)


Tenisha D said...

I love your snow pictures the baby is so adorable.

tschlegeld said...

What a clever idea! Bathtub sled!

Colie said...

haha.. get that girl a sled! :)
Very cute... although Lily looks as though the snow was not exactly her type of fun...

Anonymous said...

I love Lily's face in the first picture. It's like OK, I'm doing this take the picture and take me back inside. She's my kind of girl. :)


Anonymous said...

winter sucks doesn't it Lily. You really don't have to go outside in the winter- no kids do anymore. In
the winter you stay in your pajamas ,play video games or watch MTV Cribs and eat pizza and drink pop-not sit on a silly snowpile!

Anonymous said...

Brian wrote this last one.

Cal said...

Oh my gosh i am CRACKING up at the picture where she is crying, not because she is crying, but because your husband is so clearly laughing and feeling bad about laughing when she is crying and is trying to hold back the laughter but can't. PRICELESS.

Donella said...

Great pics! LOVE the smirk on Mickey's face.

Don't worry, Lil'. Winter's not for everyone. Some day, you will be saying "Why do I still live in this state? Oh yeah, because my parents live here. Move already, would'ya?"

At least that's what we say in the Olson household.