Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Standing baby

On Monday, Lily was playing with the refrigerator magnets (like normal.) All of the sudden, I look over and she is just standing there playing! Oh my! Thank goodness I keep my camera at arms length! haha!

Tuesday at Nanny Pat's she stood a lot. I am so proud. I am sure it feels so good not to be on those roughed up knees. That night at baby class she was doing it again. She even took a couple of steps! I don't think it was on purpose - so we will wait for het frist "real" steps. She is so close!


Colie said...

Aww.. what a big girl!!! Can't wait to see her take some steps~ she'll be dancing before you know it.

Donella said...

Yayy! Great job, Lil!

Anonymous said...

I know...my big girl!
PS - she is a great chair dancer and one heck of a "bouncer to the beat" girl.

tschlegeld said...

oh my goodness! that's wonderful! what good balance!

Donella said...

I sent the photo to my dad - he said it made his day, so way to go, Lily!