Sunday, September 21, 2008

Weekend Update

Friday: Lily and I hit a bunch of garage sales in SSP. As you know - I LOVE GARAGE SALES! I even get very excited when I see a bunch of signs on the big corner in town. I wanted to take a picture (there were at least 30 in one corner) but Mickey said that is NOT blog-able. So you'll just have to take my word for it.

I noticed a trend at Sale #8. About 5 of the places that we had been to had 'Billy Bass' for sale! haha! That cracks me up! Every cabin that I have ever been to has one of these...endless entertainment for all! hahaha...from now on I am going to start tracking how much they are going for. I may even pick up a couple. So watch out if you invite me to a wedding in the future, you may have a fishy surprise for you!
That night we had a family date at BWW. The Viking cheerleaders were there. We won a wrist sweat band:)

Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser put on by Nicole & Louis's Boat Club. It was Delicious & Fabulous! It was nice to hang out with them, as well as Trish, Dave, Blake, Donella & (D)Amanda. Great morning!

That afternoon we attend the Memorial Service for Brad Parker. This was very nice. It was a Celebration of Brad's life. It was held at the Fire Department in Fgtn (his home away from home.) Yes, there were tears shed, but truly it was a celebration, very uplifting and totally perfect! Cammi - you are so great!

Following that - Lily & I went to the Zweber's for a night of baby sitting. I love being with all of my girls:)

Mickey & Daniel went to a wedding for one of Dan's friends. From what I have been told they met EVERYONE at the VFW in Zombrota! Mickey said it was a blast. I bet it was. (Side note: this is why I LOVE small town bars. Nobody judges. Dan can walk into a room, be himself, talk to everyone & people embrace it! That is how life should be.) I think we all had a great night!

Today: ValleyFair!
(separate post)

1 comment:

Our Love Story said...

I disagree - the garage sale sign pic would be totally bloggable! :-)