I love Fridays!
Besides the fact that today is Friday - it is also the day before a bunch of my girlfriends / and moms / and Matt are coming to town. Yeah! It is going to be a fun weekend:) Colie and Rachel are having a baby shower for us this weekend. I just can't wait to see everybody and hang out with them all.
(And to Float. Joelle Mott and her Boyfriend are getting a hotel - POOL PARTY!!! I can't wait to feel weight less for a night!)
Haha - for all of you suckers that are paid Salary - did you think about the fact that you are really working for free today?? Yep...it's true!
Enjoy your Leap Day!
Safe travels to Ann & Gary who will be heading out to Colorado Springs today to spend a week with Amy! Enjoy ~ as I am sure you will all have a wonderful week!