Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Joey!

Happy Birthday to Joelle Mott - who is Hot!!!
I have to admit, I always thought that Joey's B-day was on 2/27...it wasn't until last night on the phone that I found out that it was on the 26th. I hope that when we were roommates I celebrated with her on the right day and not a day late.
This is a picture from a camping trip this past summer. Joelle is the Blondie in the middle. We are all bundled up because it had been a full weekend of rain.
That was the theme last summer. Almost every camping trip we took was in the rain. Let's hope we have better luck this summer.
Anyway - Happy Birthday Mott! I can't wait to see you this weekend:)

1 comment:

Joey said...

Thank-you Anna Banana! I am super-excited to see you all too!! Now I'm caught up to all you ladies in Minnesota....except that RaRa! Someday she will catch up to us!!