Wednesday, February 27, 2008

35 week update

'With five more weeks to grow, your baby is accumulating fat at a rapid pace, she has pretty much reached the in utero limit in height by now. Which means your developing baby's once skinny arms and legs are now quite plump…and irresistibly, squeezably soft.'

We are still plugging away - getting everything set. We have the stroller / car seat ready now. I even put a doll in the seat so we could practice strapping her in...haha - I am a huge DORK - I know! haha!

We finished our birthing class last night. I am really glad that we took the class. I think we both feel more prepared as to what to kind of expect.

Every day gets more exciting and a little bit closer.
I can't wait to meet her!!!


Donella said...

I love reading your updates! This is so exciting!!!

Anne said...

In case you were wondering...this is not a picture of our car seat or my doll. haha - the stroller is Orange and Gray

Our Love Story said...

I am so excited that you are so excited. I was just talking with a friend and we were saying how we think we might have bonded more with our babies knowing their gender before they came out - just more fun preparing and being able to say "daughter" and such.

Let me know if you have any questions about labor, delivery, nursing, etc. I love to talk about all of it!
