Thanks to everyone who posted a comment...I encourage you to keep doing so and to the others out there who didn't:)
6 weeks today! I can't believe it! My Dr told me that the first six weeks you are still trying to figure so much out and the next six weeks you enjoy all of the new and exciting things. I agree with that. All ready it seems like Lily is more alert and interactive every day. I love it!!!
Recap: Wednesday night we went to kickball. It was such a beautiful day and a great night to attend the game. Yep - our team won! They are #1!!! It was so nice to see a bunch of my friends again.
Thursday morning Dan came over. The 3 of us went garage sale-ing all day. It was so much fun. Again a BEAUTIFUL day out side. Dan loves to garage sale even more than I do - he is also great at getting the deals. Everyone enjoys talking to him and then when he tries to make the better offer, they always say 'For you...Anything!' It is great! I think I enjoy it so much because I love to shop, be outside, get a great walk and look at other peoples junk! haha!
Friday Lily and I went on a nice long walk with Jess and her son Ben. Along the way I was pooped on by a bird!!! Ha-ha! We all got a good laugh and hopefully I will have some good luck coming my way because of it!
This morning Colie and I made our way to the Minneapolis Farmers Market! I had a Brat for breakfast! Yum! We will go again. It was very fun and the longest amount of time I have had away from my Nugget. I missed her - but I think it was good for us all to take this time. She and Mickey enjoyed the alone time.
This afternoon we have a pig roast at the Tasto's and tomorrow is Zoe's dance recital! I can't wait to see her on stage!!!
Have a great weekend!
Dad and I are having fun reading your blog together tonight (Sunday). We always love the pictures!
Looking forward to getting together with you and little Miss Lil on Thursday!Hugs from mom.
I love all the pictures you post! It is amazing to see how much Lily seems to know more what is going on around her, even just from the photos. And her facial expressions are so funny! She'll be a character, for sure!
Lily is such a DOLL! She really is beautiful. Not all babies are, you know!
Can't wait to talk to you soon!
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