Thursday, June 5, 2008

2 Months Old

Can you believe it??? Our little Nugget is 2 months old today. That went so fast!

Along with 2 months - come the 2 month check up and shots :(
That was yesterday. Lily had 3 pokes a droppers. She screamed/cried a little and them calmed down when she ate. She slept for a few hours after the shots, that was good. But when she woke up she was pretty upset. I think she had a little bit of a fever and was sore. We spent a lot of time cuddling. She would start feeling better and crack a few smiles for a few seconds and then the big lip would come out. Near the end of the night she seemed to be feeling better:) I am thinking that today will be normal again. I hope so anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Anne - Congrats on the new baby. She is so adorable. Gosh I haven't seen you in forever. Hope all is well. Angie