Sunday, July 6, 2008

3 Months

Lily - we can't believe you are 3 months old already. You have grown so much! You can hold your head up so nicely. You have a beautiful smile. We love to hear you talk and watch you kick. Just this week you have shown us how you can take your nuk out of you mouth and put it back. You are a special, special girl and we love you so much!
Mom & Dad


Abbie said...

This is the cutest picture I've ever seen! You are an adorable family!

Kristen said...

Happy 3 months to Lily! I love the photo book idea. I might have to try that. Thanks!! and it's Randolph WI not MN...

Colie said...

What a cutie!!!
Happy 3 months Lil'

Lori H said...

Happy 3 month birthday Lily!! What an adorable picture!!

Donella said...

Happy 3-months, Lily!!