Friday, July 25, 2008

Carpe diem

6 years ago today my brother was in a horrible accident and now lives with Traumatic Brain Injury. I won't get in to the details of any of that right now, but our lives will never be the same. We are the luckiest - most blessed family in the world. We were given a second chance with Dan. I can say that God is amazing and miracles do happen every day. But this is also a reminder how fragile life is. Make the most of it.
Do the people you love know you love them? Do they know how important they are to you? Are you proud of the choices you are making? Are you happy with your life, your job, what you do, where you are??? Do what makes you happy! Live the life you want! Don't hold on to stupid grudges, or get caught up in small meaningless drama. It's not worth it. Life is precious - and the people in it~ even more so.
Even though life is not always easy, I am so happy with where I am and who I am. Think about how blessed you are and hang on to that...

“Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think.” ~ Quintus Horatius Flaccus

Enjoy your weekend:)


Donella said...

Well said!

Abbie said...

I agree, beautifully said. I'm so happy that you and your family were given a second chance with Dan and it is great to hear how often you see him and how close you are with your siblings. This post explains your bubbly, uplifting personality (not that it needs an explanation)! :) Hope you have fun this weekend!

Colie said...

Well put Anne- enjoy the moments!

Kristie said...

Great post-and so true.

Crystal said...

Very true!

Our Love Story said...

Nice post. Wow, it's been 6 years?.... I still have my bracelet! Dan is a great guy!