Sunday, July 13, 2008

Weekend Update

I had to laugh with Kathy when she asked me what my weekend plans were...I replied that I wasn't sure what was going on - probably hanging around the house, maybe go to the Farmers Market on Saturday and do a little yard work...immediately we both thought of and both recited the part in Old School where Will Ferral was explaining his exciting plans of going to the Home Depot and maybe the Olive Garden too. haha! Wow - our lives have changed!!! BUT I couldn't be happier. I love spending time with Lily and it is the best of the best!

So here is our recap:
Thursday Night: Dave, Trish and Blake came over with dinner. It was great to spend time with them and chat about how parenting is going for all of us. Thanks for dinner you guys - it was GREAT!
Friday: Lily and I met up with some of the other moms & babies from our new parent group. She and I spent most of the day relaxing together. It was wonderful. That night the 3 of us just hung out:)
Saturday: I talked to mom mom and realized that she didn't have any big plans either. So Lily and I went shopping and out to lunch with her. It was great spending the day together. Later that night Mickey and Lily has some alone time and I went out to dinner with Donella for dinner. Today: Hanging out at home:) tonight Dan Barlog and one of his buddies are staying with us, before they take off for Alaska. I am sure they will have an awesome trip!

Overall - the weekend was 2 thumbs up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ann & Mickey, you do have an awesome daughter. She is sooo cute.