Thursday, March 13, 2008

37 week progress report

I had my Dr.’s apt yesterday and I was dilated to 2 and still effaced 80%. She seemed impressed with my progress and said that everything is on schedule. I tried to see if I was ahead of schedule at all…haha...she said I didn’t want to ask that question, because I don’t want to be disappointed. So as of today my due date is the same – April 2nd. Anyone out there want to guess when they think baby Wiltscheck will make her grand entrance???

Here is a picture of Chef Mickey from Let’s Dish last night.
I do have to say that both he and I were impressed and everything that we made looks great! We can’t wait to dig in.


Colie said...

Chef Mickey... ha haa...
Yes, pretty soon we'll have to have a pool of when the baby will arrive!!!
I have my guess- April 3rd.

Donella said...

I'm still going for April 1st!

Just kidding... or am I?

Unknown said...

Mick ey you look sooooo cute. Anne can you PLEASE email me a copy of this picture?

I may guess March 31?

Our Love Story said...

Ooh...Frist time moms rarely dialate and efface this early! I won't psych you out though. But, I must say, this does sound like great progress. Warning - I am going to get graphic!: When you start losing a lot of mucous, GET READY!!! That means the action is SO close! :-) I am so excited for you!!!