Wednesday, March 26, 2008

7 days

Happy Birthday Guido!!!!

Let the final countdown begin...

Less than 7 full days to go:) Hopefully it will be even sooner than that. I had a Dr.'s appointment today. My normal Dr. is on vacation this week, so another Dr. saw me. This is the second time I have had this one and I really like her too.

Anyway, we continue to be on track and looking good. I am still at 2 and 80%. This Dr. was again happy with my progress (even if it has stayed the same). The baby has dropped and is at -1 for staging. This Dr. also offered to strip/sweep my membranes this week. This is a process that they do to 'kick start' the labor. It is a normal practice that is usually between weeks 38-41. Mickey and I had talked about this ahead of time and I decided that I would not ask the Dr. to do it, but if they offered - I was not opposed. SO...! Yes - it did hurt, but it was a great opportunity to practice my breathing techniques! haha!

This does not mean that I will be in labor right away. It may not change her arrival at all, it may be a couple days sooner or it could be tonight! (Keep your fingers crossed for tonight! haha)
I am just so excited and READY.

1 comment:

Our Love Story said...

So great to talk to you - thanks for calling! Maybe you are in labor right now!!! Prayers for a speedy delivery!