Friday, March 28, 2008

Friday Night

2 pictures:

The first is of a very special gift I was delivered yesterday from my dear friend Kiley. She and her husband Chris live in Crested Butte, CO. Anyway - I had to share a picture of this diaper cake. She put so much time and energy into making it. Thank you so muck Kiley! I LOVE it - it is beautiful and we just love the 'W' you painted to match her room. You are the best!

The next is a T-shirt my mom got me when we were shopping a couple of weeks ago. We all (she, Kate and I) had to laugh we she spotted it on the clearance rack! haha! Thanks mom! (it says "The Rumors are True, I'm pregnant!")

Thank you Donella for hanging out and having dinner tonight. It was so great to sit down and catch up with you. I always love our talks!

Lastly - I missed some B-day shout outs this past week and all to co-workers of mine...Heidi is now 30, Carrie turned 29 and Adam will be celebrating his 30th tomorrow! Happy B-day Buddies!


Kiley said...

Thanks Anne! I forgot to tell you...there is another card inside the tulle with all the "ingredients"! I won't be long and your little bundle of joy will be here!

Donella said...

It was great to have dinner with you too! I was convinced I'd get the call this weekend! Soon enough...