Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Messy Day

More spit up...much, much more spit up. The poor girl, I think something has to be wrong in her little tummy or something. It doesn't seem to hurt her, but seems to shock her a little every time she does it. I am just hoping that it gets better soon. Until then I think Lily will just be wrapped in a big towel when it is just the two of us at home.

We attended our first New Parent Connection group this afternoon. It was much needed. There were 13 moms, a dad, babies and a parent educator. It was a very supportive group and everyone talked about issues, concerns, tips, etc. The group was designed to help new parents and the babies are up to 4 months old. They are held once a week. I think Lily and I will do our best to attend every week until I go back to work.

I rented a movie today - 27 Dresses. A while back Lori and I saw it in the theater. As you can see, I liked it enough to watch it again and recommend it to others.


Hope said...

Holy cow...her eyes are huge...we need to make plans soon...we want to spend as much time as we can with you and Mickey and Lily.

Lori H said...

Did Lily like 27 dresses?! I saw it was out on video and thought of you! Great flick!